sprinklers watering lawn

Preserving our water sources for the future is our priority.

Your drinking water comes from the Spokane Valley Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer (SVRP). This pristine and abundant aquifer lies in Idaho and Washington. It holds ten (10) trillion gallons of water and is the sole source of drinking water for over half a million people in the region. This groundwater source is recharged by local precipitation and the snowpack in northern Idaho and western Montana. It is naturally filtered by surface vegetation and layers of gravel above the water line.

The SVRP aquifer is unique because of its vast size, swift flow of water, porous soils and because the land over the aquifer is extensively developed. These factors make our aquifer susceptible to contamination. Careful planning will be required in the coming years to ensure that our aquifer remains clean and available for our growing community. To find out how you can protect and conserve our precious water resource visit www.SpokaneAquifer.org.

Latest Water Quality Report

To download and print the PDF click here.
